Thursday, 23 June 2011

Pra Sukan~

today morning is pra sukan~
i participate lompat tinggi , lompat jauh & tarik tali~
lompat tingi i get 1st~
tarik tali we get 2nd~
lompat jauh i get 3nd~
im so happy~ i 1st 2nd & 3th i also got~
after tarik tali my hand pain like hell~
i go back class~ when i pick up the pen also pain...
then my hand now a lot of plaster~ xD
tomorrow i also got acara~
but tomorrow is go stadium competition~
i very nervous~ but i will tell my self thats just a game~
don't so nervous~
but tomorrow i also hope i can win the competition~
god bless me~
i very tired now~
and tomorrow after pra sukan i back home rest a while then go tuition centre~
after finish tuition, go eat then 9pm dance my school rock again...
maybe dance untill 2am some thing again~
really very tired~ =(
but no choice, competition is comming soon~
so we need to practice more~

today have a nice day~ =D